It’s Complicated

January 4, 2010 at 10:48 pm | Posted in design blogs | 7 Comments
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Well we’re back to the swing of things over at the Jones household  after a nice long 2 week Christmas break.  What I enjoy doing the most in my free time by far is going to the movies.  Seriously, I’m addicted and never turn down the opportunity to go.

I like going to the movies for lots of reasons beside just the movie itself, like the popcorn and the junior mints and mostly the set design for the movie.  I’m a total dork and Drew, my husband, always makes fun of me because while everyone is watching the movie I’m usually leaning over to ask him if he noticed the great collection of Jonathan Adler pottery in the livingroom!

My most recent favorite set design is from It’s Complicated.  There’s nothing not worth mentioning or to dislike, Meryl Streep’s bedroom, her bakery, Steve Martin’s architectural firm are just a few of the pretty designs in the movie.  My favorite was Meryl Streep’s kitchen which for some reason was about to be remodeled.

After leaving the movie I thought about how much I enjoy the set design for lots of movies and thought I’d post some of my favorite photos.

The first one goes without saying, who doesn’t love the house from Father of the Bride?

I dreamed for years of having a living room like this one.

The next one is from I Love You Man.  Funny movie but even sweeter set design.  This is where my comment about the Jonathan Adler pottery comes into play!

This photo is from The Break Up with Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston. This is their living room in their Chicago condo.

This is from Something’s Got To Give with Diane Keaton.  Seriously to die right?

Finally, this last photo is not from a movie but a television show, probably one of my favorite shows ever.  I mean what girl didn’t dream of this room in the ’70’s!!  The Mary Tyler Moore Show! I watched the reruns endlessly when I first moved into my first apartment.

If you haven’t seen enough photos like the ones I’ve posted you should take a peek over at Hooked on Houses. I stumbled across it when I was trying to find images to share of some of my favorite movies.  Its nice to see I’m not the only one obsessed with set design!


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  1. I love the Father of the Bride’s house too – it’s so awesome. I don’t think a lot of people pay attention to what is in the background but everything is placed for a reason right down to the leaves stewn about to make it look like a fall day and then the poor guy who has to rake them all up to make the house look like a different season. I wish you were down here, I could get you on a set.

  2. Oh, and I definitely wanted Mary Tyler Moore’s living room (I still do!) It was so hip.

  3. I’m sure you have a whole new appreciation to making a new movie now don’t you Sharon!

  4. I’ve always liked the “Home Alone” house too.

  5. Home Alone is a favorite of mine too!

  6. L – You wouldn’t believe how many people they have “dressing” a set.

  7. I would love to be one of those people!!

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